In 1993, Bill Murray starred in a cute little movie called Groundhog Day. The premise of the movie was simple, and hilarious: a newscaster wakes up every morning to find out that he’s living Groundhog Day, February 2, all over again, which means that he can...

This Holiday Season

This has been a year unlike any that we’ve ever seen. A tiny half-alive machine with a diabolical ability to profoundly damage the blood and lungs of a human being has swept across the world and changed our society in profound ways. Most of those changes have...

Non-toxic Masculinity

  America is staggering once more with a spate of horrifying violence. Mass shootings in Texas, Ohio, and California have claimed the lives of astonishing numbers of innocent people who thought they were just at a party or a festival to have a good time, but...

Addiction Is Worship

Dundalk is filled with the fear and the fact of addiction. Our church family has been touched more than once with the pain that comes from addiction to various practices and substances. But do you know what addiction is? At its root, every addiction is an issue of...

Blood Moons and Bible Prophecies

 Joel 2:30-31   “And I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and fire and columns of smoke.  The sun shall be turned to darkness, and the moon to blood, before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes. Another “blood moon” (a standard lunar...

Birth of an Airtheist

There was a man on the Eastern Shore of Maryland who loved the coastal air. It brought him the salt smell of the Atlantic, the robust aromas of the fertile fields just inland, and the delightful sweetness of his wife’s prize roses. It carried him the gulls with...