This is why it’s only a matter of time. We WILL gather in person again. It’s just what Christians do. By the way, do you remember hearing me say there are some preachers I almost always agree with? Mark Dever is one of them. In fact, when he and the elders of Capitol Hill Baptist Church decided not to stream sermons or songs or anything during this COVID shutdown, that was the FIRST time in twenty years he ever said or did anything I disagreed with. But I understood his reasoning. He said that, since the word “church” means “gathering,” it’s simply impossible to have church online. They judged that, since any form of “church” that is anything less that literally “gathering” is by definition something less than “church,” it was best to just hunker down, wait, and work extra hard on keeping track of their sheep and ministering to them individually. We at FBCD have also tried to keep closer contact than ever with our people, but we HAVE held a kind of church by Facebook Live and Uberconference. It’s not been perfect, and it surely hasn’t been fully “church,” but it’s been blessed and useful nonetheless. Anyway, take a fe minutes and listen to what Mark says in this little talk. Every word is true