A few weeks ago, on December 7, rebel forces entered Damascus, the capital city of the nation of Syria, and overthrew the government of Bashar Al-Assad. Yes, that’s the same Damascus that Paul was headed into when he met Jesus face to face 2000 years ago. It’s actually one of the oldest continually-inhabited cities in the world. Over the last week, I’ve read or heard numerous “experts” telling me that the fall of Damascus last month was the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. You may have even heard some such thing on this or that popular Christian network.
I beg you once again: get your thoughts about Bible prophecy from your Bible, not your television or your smartphone. When you are reading your Bible, let the New Testament explain the Old Testament, and let Jesus be the cornerstone of every theory you build.
The ancient land of Syria and the ancient city of Damascus are mentioned scores of times in the Bible, beginning with Genesis and including several references in the prophets. The prophets are normally talking about Syria, its capital, and its kings as either the enemy of the northern nation of the ancient Israelites, or either the ally of Israel against Judah, the southern kingdom of the ancient Israelites, or of Judah against Israel, depending on who was paying the Syrians off at the moment.
If you look up these references to Syria and Damascus in your Bible, and consider them in their clear and correct context, you’ll see quickly enough that they have nothing to do with last month’s events. The “experts” are either deeply confused, or just trying to sell more books or get more clicks.
There IS one reference to Syria and Damascus, though, that DOES have a massive intersection with the Advent of Christ. It’s so big, and so beloved, that I was compelled to include it in my Advent sermons this year on Messianic prophecy.
So open your copy of God’s Word to the seventh chapter of Isaiah.
READ Isaiah 7:14
what they need to listen for
- 4 beautiful truths in this prophecy
- R Matthew 1:10-23
- virgin birth of Messiah
- Immanuel & incarnation
- 275 BC, a literal translation of the original Greek
“Let all mortal flesh keep silence, and stand with fear and trembling, and take no thought for any earthly thing; for the King of kings and Lord of lords comes to be slain and given as food for the faithful. Before him go the choirs of Angels, with every Principality and Power; the many-eyed Cherubim and the six-winged Seraphim covering their faces and crying out the hymn: Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia”
- R Isaiah 7:1-8:18
- primarily about Judah, Israel, and Syria ca 740 BC
- Isaiah 13-23 burdens against nations
- near fulfillment of Isaiah 7-35 in chapters 36-39
- NOT talking about today’s Syria when he mentions Damascus
- who is this boy?
- Isaiah’s second boy
- Jesus of Nazareth
- NB names Immanuel (7:14, 8:8, 10) and Mahershalalhashbaz (8:1,3)
- “God is with us”
(reference to God’s sovereign providential care for his people even when it looks like the world is falling apart)
- “swift is booty, speedy is prey”
(reference to speed & totality of Babylonian victory)
- READ Luke 24:25-28
- stories, law codes & cases, poems, prophecies all fulfilled in Jesus
- it’s all about the gospel of LJC
Luke 2:10-11 And the angel said to them, “Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
His salvation is good news
- the shepherds’ first thought was probably that the angel was announcing that the Christ was coming to save the Jews from their Roman occupiers
- came to save us from guilt & shame & emptiness & loneliness & sickness & death
- came to save us from the devil
- came to save his people from their sins
His lordship is good news
- Christ = Messiah = “anointed king”
- lordship is already there in the word “Messiah”
- “lord” is just there for good measure
- do you believe the lordship of Jesus Christ is good news of great joy?